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cute, right?
they're baby animals
and are sorta big like a hand
so fancy he comes
with patterns to make
6 pieces of clothing
simply our

Here you’ll find sewing pattern to make all sorts of characters. Tiny plushies are my specialty, oh how I love to sew things that are extra cute and small. Each pattern is made to be easy to follow for even a beginner while being fun enough for an advance seamstress to play around. Visit the blog for some free patterns and all sorts of tips and techniques about sewing dolls.

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Amanda, USA
“Cute little pattern. I handed it over to my 11 yo daughter who needed a quick Secret Santa gift for a Christmas party, and she made one in less than an hour without any help from me. She thinks they are adorable, too, and won’t stop making them. Good for stash busting!"
sara, spain
"very easy to do and very pretty 😍"
Lenika, Mexico
“I love every step of this pattern, it's an adorable doll and it's easy to make the clothes, it took me a while but it looks very beautiful. I'm thinking of putting one of the mini dolls that comes with another pattern of pets in the bag, easy and excellent explanation”

There are two main reasons for sewing dolls: for the pleasure of seeing them born and for the pleasure of giving them away. Creating a fabric character, bringing it to life with your two hands and soft materials can only do you good.
Making dolls is a conscious act that can help you find peace and joy and share those feelings with the people you love. Sewing is recognized as a therapy, the regular gestures and the manipulation of the material allow you to concentrate and relax. The advantage of sewing stuffed animals is that there are fewer rules, less risk of failure, in addition to requiring very little material and having great creative power.

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